Fire safety checks are an important part of overall Health and Safety legal compliance. These regular checks can be carried out by a designated competent person on site, but it is the recording of these checks which sometimes get overlooked, do not underestimate the amount of records which should be kept. It is estimated that 2 out of every 3 businesses would fail a fire safety inspection.
Fire alarms require daily checks by the user. This is as simple as making sure there are no faults showing on the control panel. These checks do not need to be recorded, but if there is an issue or fault this should be recorded and dealt with as soon as possible.
A weekly fire alarm test is also required and can be carried out by a designated person on site. This test should preferably be carried out at the same time each week so all staff know it is a test. This test requires the user to operate a call point and ensure the system operates correctly and can be heard throughout the premises. This test should be recorded in the fire safety log book and any issues outlined and dealt with.
Emergency lighting requires a monthly test by the user. Check that each light can be lit and are in good condition. These checks should also be recorded in the fire safety log book.
Fire extinguishers should also be checked monthly, ensuring that each extinguisher is mounted in its correct place with correct signage. Also check that the extinguisher has not been tampered with, that the pin is still intact and all safety instructions are legible. All checks should be recorded in the fire safety log book.
Failure to keep the fire safety log book up to date is the most common reason that fire inspections are failed, these are also the most easily discovered downfalls from an inspector.
Although weekly and monthly testing can be carried out by in house staff, annual testing must be carried out by a ‘Competent Person’. The simplest way to prove ‘competence’ is to use qualified personnel with third-party certification (such as BAFE). Keybury can provide maintenance cover for fire alarm systems, emergency lighting and fire extinguishers and help keep you on the right-side of the law. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help your business.