CCTV is an excellent tool in protecting businesses from crime such as theft, damage or arson. It can also be used as a management tool. Cameras can be used indoors or out in all types of buildings. Combined with a remote viewing app it is a very useful tool. Many businesses are currently planning to adjust to a new post-lockdown normal. CCTV beyond lockdown is going to help us do this. Here’s how:
1. Clocking in and out
If your business uses a signing or clocking in and out system, you may need to review this. The advice for those returning to work is that shared equipment should be avoided. Starting times my also be staggered. CCTV can be used to monitor working hour as businesses adjust and find new ways of working. Combining CCTV with a tag reader access system could give staff contactless entry to a building.
2. Visitors & deliveries
Visitors to businesses may need to be more organised, perhaps with phoning ahead and agreeing time slots. CCTV allows businesses to see visitors remotely. This can be useful whether a business is open or closed.
CCTV can make taking contactless deliveries simpler for businesses, many of whom take large, regular deliveries. Supermarkets, delivery firms and even restaurants have quickly switched to delivering goods at a social distance. Being able to see who and what is being delivered and being confident of a safe social distance when you open the door can all be done using cameras. Leaving deliveries out unattended is a security risk which can be also be addressed by CCTV.
3. Monitoring & reporting
As many staff will continue to work from home, some businesses will reopen with limited staff in the building. Internal CCTV can be used for monitoring and safety purposes.
4. Contact tracing
New heat detecting cameras are being used in some countries to detect raised temperatures and slow the spread of the virus. Where a confirmed case is reported, CCTV can be used to trace those who my have come into contact with them.
5. Securing
Overall reports are that crime has fallen nationally. However some areas are reporting increased crime. Those who have worked so hard to keep their businesses going throughout this period ought to be protected from the ongoing threat of crime. CCTV will continue to be used a a key tool in tackling crime and protecting businesses.
Keybury is a local family run business who have been protecting families and business across the north of England since 1982. We install and maintain security and fire protection systems. If you want to protect your business with CCTV beyond lockdown, Contact us for a free CCTV quotation.