Installing a monitored intruder alarm system is an essential security measure that all businesses should consider. The benefits of a monitored alarm over a non-monitored system are numerous.

Firstly, a monitored system provides 24/7 surveillance and protection for your business. In the event of an intrusion, the monitoring centre is immediately notified and can alert the police or other relevant person. This could be a keyholder including you, the site manager or duty manager. A quick response can prevent burglars from stealing valuable assets, which can save your business money and prevent downtime.

Secondly, a monitored system provides peace of mind for business owners and employees. Knowing that your business is protected around the clock can reduce stress and anxiety. Employees will feel safer in the workplace, which can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Thirdly, installing a monitored intruder alarm can lower your insurance premiums. Insurance companies recognise the value of a monitored system and often offer reduced rates to businesses that have them installed. This can save your business money in the long run.

Fourthly, a monitored alarm can provide additional security features, such as fire detection and panic buttons. These features can alert the monitoring centre to other emergencies, allowing for a quick response and potentially saving lives. Choosing a supplier like Keybury Fire and Security, who can install and maintain your fire and security systems streamlines maintenance and monitoring requirements.

Last – but certainly not least – a monitored system can act as a deterrent to potential burglars. Visible security measures, such as cameras and alarms, can make your business less of a target for criminals. This can reduce the likelihood of a break-in and provide added protection for your business.

In conclusion, installing a monitored intruder alarm system is a smart investment for any business. The benefits of 24/7 surveillance, peace of mind, lower insurance premiums, additional security features, and deterrence make it a worthwhile expense. It’s also likely to be less of an outlay than the cost of a break in. Protecting your business from intruders is essential in today’s world, and a monitored system is a proactive way to do so.

Contact Keybury for a free fire and security quote for your business. We offer online bookings, or for a wider range of appointments contact our offices directly on 01535 661197