The humble access control system could be exactly what you need to see your business through the Corona crisis. Many businesses need to put measure in place to ensure staff can access safe working and social distancing as we all adjust to the new normal. Business owners and school leaders around the country are currently measuring, rearranging and planning for the return of staff, customers and students. Access control is the ultimate tool to helping you ease your business out of lock down.
  • How can we limit the number of customers or clients in our premises at one time?
  • How can so many people access the building without everyone touching the door handle?
  • How can we keep departments separate?
  • How can we control the flow of people through the building?
  • How can we limit access to areas of the building?
Enter: Access control.
  Access control systems do what they say, that is, they control the access to different areas in a building. They are great for security, contactless access and safe social distancing at work.

Contactless Access

Access control systems with personal keyfobs give automatic entry to a building or an area without the need to touch door handles. They allow you to keep a door locked from passersby, whilst sill giving access to authorised people. This can make it useful for protecting documents and data, and help businesses comply with GDPR. Receiving deliveries can also be done remotely and without contact using access control.

Limited Access for Safe Working

Access control systems can be used to limit the number of people within an area or a room. This helps to enable social distancing in small spaces. It can keep departments separate to reduce contact and contamination and allow you to keep your teams in “bubbles”, an idea being floated by many schools as they make plans for a return of some pupils in June. Shops and surgeries operating a “one in one out” or maximum number policy can also use con tactless access control systems to safely close the door and ensure numbers are not exceeded.

Combine for the Ultimate Access to Safe Working

CCTV with remote viewing allows you to see the areas being accessed. Where access is requested, remote viewing can help you to decide whether to let the person in or not. Many people are opting to prop open fire doors in an attempt to reduce the frequency of touching door handles. Do not be tempted to do this! It is a fire risk. Instead, pair an access control system with a fire alarm system for auto release and safe evacuation. Contact us today for a free quote for Access Control Systems.