As many as one in four burglars gain access via the front door. So front door security could be what stand between you and a break in. With this in mind, we’re highlighting practical steps to boost your front door security.

You might be shocked to know that a large proportion of front door break ins happen when an intruder simply opens the door and walks in. So the most obvious first step is to keep your door locked. Deadlocks and extra bolts can add an extra layer of security, but just turning the key in the lock would seriously improve the statistics on this type of crime. Anyone looking for an easy way – those just trying handles – will move on if your door is locked. Read more of our top tips to avoid sneak in theft here.

As for those who have a bit more determination to get through the door, you’ll need to put in a few more obstacles to put them off. Things like letterbox restrictors stop criminals fishing through the letter box for your keys. Don’t leave your keys in the door. They could be easily stolen and used to gain access not only to your house, but also to your car.

The locks on your doors need to be up to scratch. This advice from North Yorkshire Police covers many lock types. It’s a good idea to speak to a local specialist to ensure you have the safest locks available. Look for locks which are anti-snap, anti-bump and anti-pick.

Doorbells and front door security

Doorbell cameras are incredibly popular and indeed CCTV is an excellent way to protect your entry way. There are a number of doorbell cameras on the market too which are best used in conjunction with CCTV systems. Whilst doorbell cameras can run out of battery or video storage, be pulled off the wall, or easily covered by a hoodie, CCTV systems offer more robust surveillance.

What else can you do?

The very best option is to prevent a criminal from approaching your front door in the first place. This is done by making your home appear well secured and a difficult target. A well known, new looking intruder alarm bell box on the wall, CCTV recording, even a sign that you have a dog could make a burglar think twice. Make sure you don’t leave tools out to help them or expensive items on display to tempt them.

It’s our family business to protect your family and your business. We install and maintain fire alarms and security systems across Yorkshire and Lancashire. We’ve been doing it for the last forty years and we’re NSI GOLD approved.

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