With half term coming up over the next couple of weeks, it is important to remember to keep your home secure if you are going away for the school holidays.
Simple measures such as making sure all windows and doors are locked, garages and sheds are secured, home alarms are set and valuables are kept out of sight, help in protecting your home. It may also be a good idea to have lights set on a timer to give the appearance that someone is home, especially now the evenings are getting darker earlier. Lights connected to smart device apps are also on the increase and will allow you to turn your house lights on and off from wherever you are.
Keybury have also introduced this remote feature on their alarm systems. Connecting your alarm system to an app on your smartphone or tablet gives you the ability to check that your alarm is set and notify you of any activations. More information on this app can be found on our previous blog.
Remote viewing CCTV is also a helpful addition to home security that gives you that extra peace of mind when you are away from home. Using the app, you can view your home security cameras from anywhere in the world via a broadband internet connection. Notifications can also be setup to alert you of any unusual activity.
Get in touch today to hear how we can add to your home security and give you the added peace of mind when leaving your home over the holidays, contact us on 01535 66 11 97 or fill in a form on our contact page.