This winter, we’re running a special offer to help you highlight your security. To take advantage of our bell box discount, just give us a call or email us today.
Backlit Beauty
Our backlit bell boxes light up in the dark to highlight your security. A light up blue bell box really stands out. It highlights your property as secure and acts to deter would be intruders. Criminals who are scouting the area will know that your premises has a high quality security system in place, and are less likely to take their chances.
In the winter as the days get shorter, many of us leave home in the dark and don’t get home again until after sunset. Crime rates spike by as much as 25% during autumn and winter, which is partly due to these shorter days and darker nights.
Love the light
Our customers love the bell boxes. Have a look at the comments left on our Facebook and Google pages:
“They do look impressive all the other houses have a pathetic little red flashing LED, the Keybury box seems to say “Don’t even think about it””
“Must admit as soon as I saw these I did like the look. I just had my house fitted out with a complete new alarm system today and I’m more than happy with it, thanks very much Keybury, another A1 installation.”
“It has been a tremendous experience so far with everyone. Love the fact it is local and friendly with everyone. I was going to go with ADT but was advised from a customer that they look at Commercial more than residential – the main reason to come to you too was due to the light up boxes on the exterior of the house!! Glad everything else had been great”
Get the glow
Customers with an older style bell box can upgrade to one of the new light up bells. You could even upgrade to add the app! If you’re not yet a Keybury customer don’t worry! You can switch your system to us and get a Keybury backlit bell box. Call us now to book in your bell box upgrade or order online. Simply complete our online order form and we’ll be in touch to book a convenient date to upgrade..